Academy Research Grant
Academy research grants provide opportunities for innovative practice-based research for members of APhA's Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management (APPM) and Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science (APRS). This research will help build evidence to seed ideas for future APhA Foundation research.
Macary Marciniak is an Associate Professor in the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). She is committed to advancing pharmacist-provided care in community- based settings. She serves as the Director of the PGY1 Community-based Pharmacy Residency Program, which includes innovative practice sites across the state and is one of the oldest and largest programs of its kind in the nation. She also directs a Community-based Mental Health Fellowship, in partnership with UNC Campus Health and Counseling and Psychological Services.
The 2023 Academy Research Grant was awarded to Macary Marciniak, PharmD, BCACP, BCPS, FAPhA, for her proposal titled “Student Pharmacists as Reproductive Health Champions (SPARC): Igniting Pharmacist-Initiated Hormonal Contraception in Community-based Settings.” Marciniak will now conduct her research through 2024 and will present her findings at APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition 2025.

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