Osteoarthritis and Chronic Pain
More than 100 million people are living with some form of chronic pain in the United States according to the Institute of Medicine. A large percentage of that suffering population, twenty-seven percent, is a result of Osteoarthritis, a debilitating and painful joint disease that occurs when cartilage between the joints breaks down. Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body, but most commonly occurs in the knees, hips, lower back, and neck. The management of osteoarthritis and chronic pain is complex. Providing appropriate pain management resources for the millions of Americans with osteoarthritis and chronic pain conditions will help them manage their pain and improve function, so they can successfully navigate daily activities and lead productive lives. The APhA Foundation identified a need to explore innovations related to osteoarthritis and chronic pain management.
​The APhA Foundation recognizes that innovation is the key to breakthrough thinking that leads to dramatic system improvements. The APhA Foundation continuously searches for and evaluates the next innovation that will improve people’s health through pharmacists’ patient care services. The APhA Foundation has convened and collaborated with top thought leaders to discuss future practice innovation and created practice resources for numerous topics. From these discussions, ideas for new tools and innovative practice models have been successfully developed and implemented. The APhA Foundation identified a need to explore innovations related to osteoarthritis and chronic pain management. The quality of life and economic implications of osteoarthritis are sobering; with ambulatory care visits, surgical procedures, and hospital costs accounting for over $42.2 billion annually.

Expert Panel
Based on the current landscape of osteoarthritis and chronic pain management, the APhA Foundation believed it was important to convene an expert panel of top thought leaders to discuss the current issues associated with osteoarthritis and chronic pain management and identify innovative solutions that could be fundamental to transforming how osteoarthritis and chronic pain are managed in our health care system. During the expert panel discussion, each stakeholder had the opportunity to describe the successes and challenges they had experienced in their practice settings related to osteoarthritis and chronic pain management.
​Helping people with pain conditions effectively manage their pain and improve function so they can successfully navigate daily activities and lead productive lives is the ultimate goal and driving force for gathering a panel of experts to discuss how to create a preferred future in the management of osteoarthritis and chronic pain.
The Results
The discussion among the expert panel revealed six key principles that could lead to effective health care system changes and improve care for patients with osteoarthritis and chronic pain. The key principles are:
Improve the climate surrounding pain management
Maximize access to care
Provide support for caregivers
Advocate for sustainable system changes
Collaborate and coordinate team-based care
Tailor the care plan to meet the needs of the individual.
Expert Panel Participants
The invited participants were chosen based on their expertise in osteoarthritis and chronic pain, organizational affiliation, or experiences they had that would add value to the expert panel discussion. The interdisciplinary group of experts convened in June 2016, in Washington, DC.
Ben Bluml, Senior Vice President, Research and Innovation, APhA Foundation Kelly Brock, Research Community Coordinator, APhA Foundation Anne Burns, Vice President, Professional Affairs, APhA Laura Cole, Manager of Care Transitions, South Carolina Hospital Association Penney Cowan, Founder, CEO, American Chronic Pain Association Scott Hamstra, Captain (Ret), United States Public Health Service Elizabeth Keyes, Chief Operating Officer/Executive Director, APhA/APhA Foundation Joan Knapp, Founder, CEO, Knapp and Associates International Lenora Knapp, Director, Knapp and Associates International Sandra Leal, Vice President for Innovation, SinfoniaRx Jaime McDermott, Manager, Pharmacy DEA Compliance, The Kroger Co. Theodore Pikoulas, Associate Director of Behavioral Health Pharmacy Programs, Community Care of North Carolina Daniel Pinto, Assistant Professor, Northwestern University/ Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine Drew Register, Executive Resident, APhA Foundation Steve Simenson, CEO/Managing Partner, Goodrich Pharmacy, INC Alexandria Skoufalos, Associate Dean, Strategic Development/Executive Director, Center for Population Health Innovation, Jefferson College of Population Health Parisa Vatanka, Associate Director Corporate Alliances/Project Development Manager, APhA/APhA Foundation Mercury Williams, Director, 84.51°
A white paper was created to summarize the innovative thinking of experts and outlines six key principles for change that could lead to effective health care system changes. By implementing the key principles for effective change, we can create a preferred future and improve the care for patients with osteoarthritis and chronic pain.
Read the full white paper here.