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Bennett Patrick

Uncovering Care Gaps: Parent Perspectives on Gaps in Type 1 Diabetes Management for Children Aged 8–12 Years in Kentucky and Southern Indiana

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Bennett Patrick is a PGY1 pharmacy resident with Purdue University and Mathes Pharmacy in New Albany, IN.

“"Parents and guardians play a vital role in managing Type 1 diabetes for their children, but too often, care gaps go unnoticed. My hope is for this study to shed light on these gaps and the barriers families face, with the goal of creating more inclusive and equitable care for children living with Type 1 diabetes.

Community pharmacists hold a unique position in the healthcare landscape, with the potential to significantly enhance diabetes education and support for families. This project underscores the importance of collaborative care, emphasizing how integrated teamwork can empower families navigating the complexities of Type 1 diabetes. By leveraging the expertise of all healthcare providers, we can create a more supportive environment that equips families with the resources they need to manage their child's diabetes confidently and effectively.

I'm excited about this project because it offers a unique opportunity to shed light on the challenges faced by families managing type 1 diabetes in children. By focusing on social and environmental barriers, we can help develop practical solutions that promote more equitable care. Receiving the APhA Incentive Grant will provide essential resources to help bring these insights to life and improve patient outcomes.”

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