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Practice Advancement Grant

​The APhA Foundation is pleased to announce three new practice advancement grant opportunities in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control.​

Congratulations to grant recipient winners!

The goal of this initiative is to advance collaboration with leaders in communities where confidence in vaccines is low, increase partnerships with public health programs, and to provide equitable healthcare via vaccination services. Grant funding will be used to establish pharmacy and public health partnerships and referral mechanisms for immunization services within their communities.


Examples of public health entity partnerships include:

  • State and local immunization programs

  • Community-based organizations

  • Other healthcare providers

  • State and local departments of health


Recipients will receive a $1,000 honorarium to enhance immunization referral practices at the community pharmacy level. Referral mechanism examples include:

  • Establishing referral from a public health entity or other partnering agency/organization to the pharmacy for administration of a vaccine

  • Establishing referral from a pharmacy to the public health entity for administration of a vaccine

  • Creating documentation mechanisms for vaccine recommendation and administration by pharmacy

  • Establishing or maintaining reporting of vaccines administration by the pharmacy to local IIS and back to the referring agency

  • Reducing vaccine disparities through formalized agreements between pharmacies and public health entities

  • Collaborating with leaders in communities to build trust, empower pharmacy personnel, and engage communities to bolster vaccine confidence


Applications are now closed for 2024.

For questions, please contact Executive Fellow Cristian Rodriquez,

Courtney Gamston

Boosting Community Immunization Rates: Partnering with Schools for Success, Auburn University Health Care and Education Clinic and Pharmacy, Auburn, AL

Hands preparing syringe

Ha Phan

Addressing Parent and Caregiver Pediatric Vaccination Administration Hesitancy in an Independent Community Pharmacy Setting, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS

Asian man getting vaccinated

Whitney Morris

Establishing Partnerships Between Rural Public Health Departments and Local Pharmacies to Enhance Vaccination Referral Processes, Tennessee Pharmacists Association, Nashville, TN 

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APhA Foundation

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