Pharmacists Mutual Scholarship

Ryan Waldschmidt

Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy


Ryan Waldschmidt is a 5th year student pharmacist at the Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy, a 0-6 year program. During his experience as a student pharmacist, Ryan has been actively involved in a variety of pharmacy organizations, including the American Pharmacists Association- Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP), Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI), the Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA), the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (PPA), Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS), Rho Chi, and Kappa Epsilon (KE). He currently serves as the APhA-ASP chapter president, and has served in a variety of other executive positions across these organizations. He has attended a variety of professional meetings, including APhA Annual in Nashville, the Summer Leadership Institute (SLI), two MRM's, OPA Annual and Midyear, PPA Annual and Midyear, OPA and PPA Legislative Days, and the Global Missions Health Conference (GMHC) through CPFI. He works as an intern at his uncle's independent Medicine Shoppe pharmacy specializing in compounding.
Outside of APhA-ASP, Ryan dedicates a lot of time growing spiritually as a Bible-believing Christian and advocating legislatively for his uncle and the patients he serves. He serves as an officer for Northern Christian Fellowship (NCF) and leads a men's Bible study on campus to share his testimony and walk with Jesus Christ. The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn a lot of hope out of this country, and Ryan strongly believes that hope can be found in Christ Jesus. That same hope has led him to be where he is today as a Christian student pharmacist, confident, yet humble, and ready to continue serving Christ and patients through pharmacy amidst the pandemic.