What You Can Do

Philanthrospherxe video

Our donors are at the heart of the APhA Foundation’s patient-driven mission and work. As a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, we depend upon and greatly appreciate the gifts you selflessly make to keep our mission strong.

Strengthened by your contributions, the APhA Foundation provides key resources and support to the profession of pharmacy through research projects, professional advancement opportunities, publications, grants and awards. Give to one of our campaigns or support our mission through the Pharmacists Care Innovation Fund. View the video on the right to learn more about PhilanthroSpheRxe - a world of giving through pharmacy.

Take a look at our donor giving levels and benefits.

Let us help you invest in the Foundation in a way that is meaningful to you!

Join the 1953 Society

Become a champion for the future of pharmacy. Join our 1953 Society, a special fellowship of donors who give to sustain the mission of the APhA Foundation.

Recognition & Naming Programs

The Foundation recognizes and rewards innovation and leadership in the pharmacy profession through programs like the Bowl of Hygeia Award Program and our Student Scholarship Program. We also provide opportunities for you to recognize someone important in your personal or professional life, or to leave your own legacy at APhA headquarters.

Team-Based Giving

Create or join a team to fundraise on behalf of a campaign of significance to you.

Corporate Support

The Foundation has a number of corporate support opportunities for funders who are interested in investing in the Foundation’s mission of improving people’s health through pharmacists’ patient care services.

Planned Giving

We invite you to consider including the APhA Foundation when planning your estate. These sustaining gifts secure the future of the Foundation. Planned gifts include bequests, charitable gift annuity, or other gifts established as a part of your estate planning for the benefit of the APhA Foundation.

Other Ways to Give

We welcome you to give to the Foundation through a variety of other channels, including an honorarium, APhA membership “checkbox” contribution, stock gift, matching gift, silent auction item, or in-kind contribution.

Our Giving Opportunities

View all of our giving opportunities and find the one that's right for you.

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