Board of Director Candidates

Steven Simenson

Steven Simenson

Biography Statement: 

Steven Simenson, BPharm, FAPhA, FACA, DPNAP, serves as President and Managing Partner of Goodrich Pharmacy, Inc., 7 Community Pharmacies in Minnesota. Located in Primary Care clinics, a grocery store and a traditional stand alone Community Pharmacy. He has cared for patients since graduating from the University of Minnesota in 1977. He participates daily, and serves as an example of, innovative practice initiatives. He is involved in project IMPACT, practice based research, medication therapy management, collaborative practice, employer health and wellness services, and compounding. His pharmacists are integrated in inter-professional patient care services at 5 primary care clinics. Pursuing Inter-professional Collaboration at every opportunity has always been a high priority. Recent efforts include meeting with the American College of Physicians on Practical Strategies for Connecting Primary Care Practices and Pharmacies to Build an Immunization Neighborhood and actively advocating for the pursuit of Patient Access to and Coverage for Pharmacist Patient Care Services.

With his pharmacist colleagues, Steve participates as adjunct faculty at the University of Minnesota, providing mentorship, clerkships, and a successful Community Pharmacy Residency. A recipient of the Daniel B. Smith Award For sustained Leadership, Contributions and Innovation in the Practice of Pharmacy, the APPM Distinguished Achievement Award in Community and Ambulatory Practice the Weaver Medal and Outstanding Service Award at the University of Minnesota.

He currently serves on the Minnesota Joint Pharmacy Practice Act Task Force, the Minnesota Department of Health E-HIT Advisory Committee and the CMS Medication Therapy Management Technical Expert Panel. He is past-president and founder of the Minnesota Pharmacists Foundation and past-president of the Minnesota Pharmacists Association. Steve was the 2013-2014 President of the American Pharmacist’s Association and is on the Board of Directors of Pharmacists Mutual Insurance Companies.

Candidate Statement:

Simply said, When Pharmacists are involved in Patient Care Quality goes up and Costs go down. The mission of the APhA Foundation is to improve people's health through pharmacists' patient care services. Collaborative, inter-professional team based care with patients, pharmacists, physicians and other health care professionals can dramatically improve the cost effectiveness and quality of patient health outcomes. 

I believe I have the practice and organizational experience to help guide the APhA Foundation initiatives that not only improve the health of our citizens but the well being of our profession. The APhA Foundation has a strong history of documenting Pharmacists contributions and the Value we provide to the health care system. Innovation is supported and magnified through Foundation projects. We must carefully prioritize and allocate our resources to insure continued success.

I will represent the strengths of pharmacists, refine and focus APhA Foundation goals, and position our profession as experts in improving medication outcomes. Working together with APhA, we can leverage the strength of both of our organizations to create opportunities for pharmacists to apply Innovative Practice Ideas and Implement Collaborative Care Solutions. Also contributing to appropriate compensation for our clinical and professional services. 

I am proud to be a Pharmacist and I enjoy the daily practice of our profession. I ask for your support and for the privilege of serving on the APhA Foundation. It is important that we communicate to all, a true picture of what pharmacists do well, “Improve Medication Use and Advance Patient Care.

Thank You.