

24 Hours to Health is a team based fundraiser that benefits patient health while encouraging healthy activity. On December 7th, teams across the country will participate in physical activities of their choice for a combined 24 hours to support the APhA Foundation’s PhilanthroSpheRxe – pharmacy’s philanthropy, a fund dedicated to our mission of improving people’s health through pharmacists patient care services. All Team members will identify “sponsors” for each hour of their activity, similar to a walk-a-thon or race.

How Can I Participate?

Commit to be an individual fundraiser…or START A TEAM! Sign up your APhA-ASP Chapter, state pharmacy association, professional colleagues or friends to be members of your team.  From there your team will pick an activity (or multiple activities…everyone can do an activity they find enjoyable!) and ask others to make a donation to support an hour of your activity. 

For example:

Mary will jog for 2 hours.

 Her best friend Karen will sponsor one hour of her run with a donation of $100

Mary’s brother David will sponsor an hour with a donation of $10

Mary just raised $110 to benefit patient health through pharmacists’ patient care services.

Suggested team goal:  $2,400.

Get Started!

  • Click the Join the Campaign button to the right to create your team page.
  • Recruit enthusiastic team members
  • Enlist support and encouragement from family and friends
  • Share your fundraising page on Facebook or Twitter
  • Share your fundraising page by email with people in your network


For more information contact Alicia Simmons, APhA Foundation Development Coordinator, at asimmons@aphanet.org or 202-558-2704.


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Donors Thank you to these special donors! *Only online donors are listed.

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