Clone of 1953 Society


Taking its name from the year the APhA Foundation was chartered, the 1953 Society is a group of pharmacists, new practitioners, and student pharmacists who show their leadership and commitment to the future of pharmacy through philanthropy.


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When you invest in the 1953 Society: 

- You sustain our efforts to demonstrate and quantify how pharmacists, as key a member of the healthcare team, can improve patient outcomes.

- You make possible the expansion of projects where we demonstrate how new innovative pharmacy practice models contribute to better healthcare.



Contribute today in a variety of ways:

  • A one-time donation of $1,953 annually (consider giving via a Donor Advised Fund or gift of appreciated stock)
  • Monthly recurring donation of $162.75 

New Practitioner - $195.30 annually 

Student Pharmacist - $19.53 annually



Your 1953 Society donation enables us to continue to gather the evidence demonstrating the key role pharmacists can and should have on patient care and health care outcomes

Thank you for investing in our future!